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Recovering Your Clairvoyant Birthright
Susan Feinbloom, Author of Clairvoyant Psychotherapy
Original Date: Thursday, March 12, 2015

Download MP3 Audio File Here (11.7 MB)

Susan will talk about uncovering the keys to your psychological make-up through an exploration of your spiritual anatomy. Clairvoyance is a natural ability. It is the ability to see beyond words, beyond the literal material realm. To clearly see truth and distinguish it from lies. In short, it is the ability to see who you are. To align yourself to your path and vibrate in a harmonic with the universe. I will talk about the process of Meditation and the Chakras to explore who you are in this world and beyond.

Susan Feinbloom has spent 40 years developing a unique healing approach—infusing Clairvoyance into the psychotherapy process. She is a graduate of Hunter Graduate School in NYC with a Masters in Clinical Social Work.

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