Poem as Native: an Exploration
Sandy Eastoak and Dan Gurney, Poets
Original date: Thursday, May 6, 2010

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While favorite poets, traditions, and forms offer useful tools, writing straight from nature is a profound pathway of discovery. Sandy Eastoak and Dan Gurney will read some of their listening poems. They invite you to share some experiments with hearing. From these may emerge provocative questions about Native American paradigms and our relationship to the healing earth.

Sandy Eastoak was raised by trees and shaped by Zen teachers. A founding member of Sebastopol Gallery, she paints spirits, cycles and waters. A serious illness deepened her ties to Native American spirituality and justice issues. She is helping establish October as Pomo Honoring Month. Dan Gurney has taught young children for more than three decades and practiced Buddhism longer. Listening to young children and to meditation teachers has helped open his ears, his heart. Now trees want to talk. Through his poetry, Dan hopes to share what he's heard.

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