Matrix Meditations
Victor Daniels, Prof. Emeritus of Psychology, Sonoma State University
Original Date: Thursday, August 18, 2011

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Matrix Meditations combines Western and Eastern meditative traditions to help you gain knowledge of how to better listen to messages from your heart center for greater personal effectiveness. Using mindfulness, concentrative, contemplative and everyday awareness meditations from his book, Victor Daniels will offer practices to help you dive deeper into inner consciousness and use your mind more effectively. He will discuss the psychological processes that underlie meditation and will address your specific questions about meditation at any level from beginning to advanced, and about how to apply meditative meditative awareness to everyday affairs for greater composure, self-mastery, and inner healing.

Victor Daniels is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Sonoma State University, where he taught from 1968 to 2010 He was the first director of its India Studies program and is a past Chair of the Psychology Department. He has studied with Aryuvedic and Tantric master Harish Johari; Sri Mata Amritanandamayi, the hugging saint from India; Zen Master Jakusho Kwong-Roshi, and numerous other masters in the Buddhist and yogic traditions, and has taught meditation in workshops and courses for 35 years. He lives in Sonoma County, California with his wife and co-author Kooch with whom he also co-authored Tarot d'Amour. With colleague and coauthor Laurence J. Horowitz, he has also written Being and Caring: A Psychology forLiving.

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